Tokio Hotel Fansite!

Welcome to an unofficial Tokio Hotel Fansite!!

Pages on this Website include images, videos, music, tour dates, fun stuff, and more. 

There are pages about each Band Member which include Biographies, Photos and other stuff!!

I hope that you will enjoy this website and if you visit it be sure to tell your friends about it. Remember this Fansite's URL is: If you have any questions, comments or concerns click the contact link their you will find an e-mail where you can send me a letter for anything, also you will find Tokio Hotel's fan-mail address where you can send them letters!! Be sure to check out all of the pages for your sadisfaction. 

Tokio Hotel is a major labled Band Which means they must be international so if you are a tokio hotel fan it doesn't matter where you come from and if you want to see them come to you country visit the international support where you will find banners suppoting other places fans want to see Tokio Hotel and if you don't see a banner supporting tokio hotel to come to a place near you  then make one and send it to me by clicking the contacting link or if you cant find an international banner that wants Tokio Hotel to come to a place near you it might be because they are already comeing to a place near you. 
So don't worry Tokio Hotel will come to a place near you soon!! 

Thank You. 
and Please enjoy the Fansite!!

